Amalia Explores

The Traveling Environmental Educator

Posted by amalia on April 19, 2016

Make a Leaf Rubbing Poster

  After trekking for two days through a Thai bamboo jungle with a stomach bug, I arrived in a small Karen village. I was sick, muddy, sweaty, and exhausted. But the first thing that I did was find the children and took out the bubbles, crayons, and paper that had traveled all that way in

Posted by amalia on April 14, 2016

Deep in the Colombian Andes

A thick blanket of clouds settles above rolling valleys of green and high peaks of blue. There is a wildness among the calm, a mystery behind the seen, a danger lurking beneath the beauty. The Northern Andes mountains of Colombia are home to incredibly unique animals and vibrant cultures that have been threatened by civil

Posted by amalia on April 8, 2016

To Impact a Community

February 11, 2011   Mud walls, cracked and dry, are packed between vertically stacked sticks that reach about head high. I look over the wall to two similarly constructed classrooms. Children are crowded on benches, bare feet on dirt floors. Uniforms neatly tucked in, they sit obediently and wait. The head master enters, smartly dressed

Posted by amalia on April 5, 2016

The Orangutan and the Seed

Across Indonesia and Malaysia, I taught this lesson to hundreds of children during my year in Borneo. Objective:   Summary:  Students will learn how plants and orangutans are connected through an interactive lesson that includes a science experiment, an art project, and a game.   Concepts:  Parts of a seed, parts of a plant, what

Posted by amalia on March 31, 2016

Beyond Language Barriers

  January 19, 2012   Shades of blue disappear into distant clouds through the layered peaks of the Sierra Madre mountain range in Chiapas, Mexico. Steep hillsides are dotted with the dark green leaves of the coffee plant, and it is upon this land that the Tztotzil Maya have lived for centuries. Coffee has been


Welcome to Amalia Explores! I am an environmental educator that loves to travel, teach, take photographs, and share knowledge. Wherever I go, I teach Nature Explorers International programming to local children, and seek unique wildlife encounters. As a solo female budget traveler, an educator on the road, and a lover of random animal facts, I hope that I can help you explore your next travel destination! Learn more about me here.

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