Amalia Explores

The Traveling Environmental Educator

Posted by amalia on September 12, 2017

Nature Nights at Shared Space

Mysteries of a Michigan Autumn NATURE NIGHTS Saturday’s September 23rd and 30th, 5:30-8:30pm At Shared Space Studio in Pentwater (4391 W. Monroe Rd.) Ages: 6-12 Cost: $22 $40 for both classes Pizza Dinner Included 20% Sibling Discount Early pick-up available by request.   Parents can enjoy a night out while kids have fun learning about

Posted by amalia on August 29, 2017

Fall Programming at Grow Benzie

Mysteries of Autumn Monday’s:  September 25 – November 13 This eight week program will explore the change of seasons through interactive art projects, games, animal interaction, and outdoor exploration. Why and how do the leaves change color? Which birds migrate and where? What are the different methods animals use to store food and hibernate? Children

Posted by amalia on April 23, 2017

Summer Day Camps- 2017

This summer, in Benzie County, Michigan, choose from five weeks of themed nature camps!   There are three different weeks for ages 7-11, and two weeks for ages 3-6.   The week will be split between two great locations that are only a few miles apart from each other. This will give us ample time

Posted by amalia on January 6, 2017

Winter Wonderland

I have to admit, winter really isn’t my season, and I have actively avoided it for most of my adult life. In a current attempt to embrace winter before I leave to teach in Florida for the rest of the semester, I am offering a series of educational programming on the subject. I find that

Posted by amalia on December 29, 2016

Aussie Wildlife: Marsupials, Monotremes, and More!

    Did you know that there are 334 species of marsupials in Australia? Or that there are 5 species of mammals that lay eggs? Find out more about rare mammals, massive birds, and deadly reptiles from the island continent down under. Amalia has been to Australia three times and lived there recently for six


Welcome to Amalia Explores! I am an environmental educator that loves to travel, teach, take photographs, and share knowledge. Wherever I go, I teach Nature Explorers International programming to local children, and seek unique wildlife encounters. As a solo female budget traveler, an educator on the road, and a lover of random animal facts, I hope that I can help you explore your next travel destination! Learn more about me here.

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